
Django web application for pyweek.org

Primary LanguagePython

Pyweek.org website

This website runs the pyweek.org challenge.



The production site runs against a PostgreSQL database. You can run one of these using Docker for development purposes:

docker run --name pyweek-postgresql postgres:latest

You will need to put the IP address of this service into your settings; you can obtain this with:

docker inspect pyweek-postgresql

You will need to create an account and database on the new host. To do this you will need the PostgreSQL psql command to be installed. Create a database like this:

$ psql -h postgres postgres
psql (9.5.12, server 10.3 (Debian 10.3-1.pgdg90+1))
WARNING: psql major version 9.5, server major version 10.
         Some psql features might not work.
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# create database pyweek;
postgres=# \d
No relations found.
postgres=# CREATE USER pyweek WITH PASSWORD 'hunter2';
postgres=# DROP DATABASE pyweek;
postgres=# create database pyweek with owner pyweek;
postgres=# \q


How to set up a PyWeek-like site:

  1. Create a virtualenv
  2. Install requirements.txt and requirements-dev.txt
  3. Create a local settings file based on the template given in dev_settings_example.py.

Running a dev server

To run the dev server, use:

django-admin.py runserver --settings=dev_settings --pythonpath=.

This assumes you have first created a dev_settings.py file. An example is given in dev_settings_example.py.

When starting with a blank database, you can set it up initially using the following command:

django-admin.py migrate --settings=dev_settings --pythonpath=.

You will then also want to create an admin account to enable access to the administration panel, which can be done using this command:

django-admin.py createsuperuser --settings=dev_settings --pythonpath=.