
Sketch plugin that export Android resources.

Android Res Export


Export Android resouces in Sketch, include PNG assets, app icon, nine-patch image and vector drawable.


1, Download and unzip.

2, Double-click "Android_Res_Export.sketchplugin" to install.

3, Install ImageMagick via Homebrew.

brew install imagemagick

4, Install Node.js and SVGO.

sudo npm install svgo -g

How it Works

Download demo.sketch

Design at MDPI (1x) size, NOT support other sizes.

Use "Make Exportable" or "Slice" to create PNG assets.

Use menu "Plugin" - "Android Res Export" - "New" - "9-Patch Asset" to create a 9-Patch asset.

Use menu "Plugin" - "Android Res Export" - "New" - "Vector drawable Asset" to create a vector drawable asset. Select the chape layers in vector drawable group, click to settings icon in fill property panel, and choose "Non-Zero", then apply "Layer" - "Paths" - "Reverse Order" command from the main menu to reverse the path order.

Use page name to export asset in deferent folder.


CC-BY-SA 4.0



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