
Explore all modern tkinter widget libraries!

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



Tkinter is a great library for UI development in python. Specially the canvas widget of tkinter lets you make any custom widget for your application. If you are planning to create a piece of software or want to implement a GUI for your python scripts, then tkinter is still one of the best options out there. Moreover, after the arrival of customtkinter, it is super easy to create a modern user-friendly UI. The community is also growing and people are making new custom widgets for the library.

Tkinter-Toolkit is a small application that helps you find new tkinter/customtkinter widget libraries created by some awesome people. There are lots of libraries and widgets listed in this app.

Requirements: customtkinter, PIL


  • Explore new tkinter libraries
  • Better UI development in tkinter
  • Installation links are provided
  • Preview images of the library
  • Detailed description provided
  • Update database and view new packages


Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot

Note: This app is not a download manager for the libaries, it just shows the collection of those libraries which you can view and install manually. All the official author names, repository links and description are written in the database.

Hope it will help tkinter users and also the respected repository owners.

If you have made or found some new tkinter library, then share it here!

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