
A command line script to update a OVH DynHost with your current public ip. (This repo is a mirror. Official one: https://gitlab.com/rubendibattista/ovh-dynhost)

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


This script sets the DynHost service (that must be created before, check https://docs.ovh.com/gb/en/domains/hosting_dynhost/) with your current public IP that is retrieved from ipify.org API (default, can be overridden).


Install the script using pip (I strongly suggest to use a virtualenv)

pip install .

(The script will be now available in the PATH. Reactivate the virtualenv if necessary)

PS: The script is also available directly on PyPI.

pip install ovh_dynhost


  • Sets the home.mydomain.com host to your current public IP retrieved from (SSL) ipify.org using myusername and mypassword as credentials.
ovh-dynhost home.mydomain.com myusername mypassword
  • Sets the IP instead of the current public IP
ovh-dynhost --ip= home.mydomain.com myusername mypassword
ovh-dynhost --pub-ip-source=http://bot.whatismyipaddress.com home.mydomain.com myusername mypassword
  • Same as first but logging also into ovh.log file
ovh-dynhost --log-file=ovh.log home.mydomain.com myusername mypassword

If your prefer to not show up your username or password in the shell, you can provide a separate JSON configuration file. By default the script will lookup into $HOME/.ovh-dyndns.conf, but you can also provide a custom configuration file

ovh-dynhost home.mydomain.com --conf-file=/etc/ovh-dyndns/config.json