
My Kotlin projects

Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

My Kotlin projects


Using MicroStream with Kotlin. The HelloWorld but now in the Kotlin Language.


Demonstrates several concepts

  • Using singleton to make root object accessible everywhere
  • Using a mutable list internally and expose an immutable list to the rest of the program.

Kotlin integrations

Some experimental Kotlin integrations can be found at this branch of the MicroStream repository https://github.com/microstream-one/microstream/tree/experimental/kotlin

Have a look at the integrations/kotlin module.

These artefacts are required for the following MicroStream with Ktor examples


Using MicroStream in combination with Ktor. Makes use of the MicroStream Kotlin configuration extension.


Using MicroStream in combination with Ktor and Codeine. Makes use of the MicroStream Kotlin configuration and Kodein extensions.

Kotlin Exposed

An abstraction over JDBC calls within Kotlin using the Exposed library https://github.com/JetBrains/Exposed. The project contains also an example of using a DAO type of access on to of the SQL light way.

ktor for Jakarta EE developers

(Will be moved to https://github.com/rdebusscher/Project_FF)

See ktor-basic directory for an application that define REST endpoints and support JSON-B and JSON-P alike functionality.

See ktor-intercept-request for 2 ways of intercepting a request (a simple interceptor and a custom application plugin)

See ktor-annotated directory for a way to define 'resource functions' in a way similar to JAX-RS.

    suspend fun greeting(call: ApplicationCall, name: String) {