These dotfiles originally came from Ryan Bates. I updated it to suit my preferences and workflow.
git clone git:// ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles
rake install
If you want to exclude any file or directory during install, please append it in the Rakefile.
exclude_stuff=%w[Rakefile LICENSE]
See the other aliases in ~/.zsh/aliases
If there are some shell configuration settings which you want secure or specific to one system, place it into a ~/.localrc file. This will be loaded automatically if it exists.
If you're using git, you'll notice the current branch name shows up in the prompt while in a git repository.
iTerm2 preferenes saved as plist could be reloaded on a new machine. Ensure to check "Load preferences from a custom folder or URL"
Rubymine settings.jar could be imported and exported.
Postgres startup for OSX which could be copied to /Library/StartupItems/PostgresX