
Python Client Library for Nominatim search (Open MapQuest)

Primary LanguagePython


Requires python2.7.x for development. Initially, you need to install prerequisites (simplejson) thru setup.py.

# python setup.py install
Installed /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/

Depending on your PYTHON configuration, setup.py will put files in /usr/local/lib/pythonx.x/site-packages/

Development and Testing

python geocodertests.py

Reverse Geocode

from nominatim import ReverseGeocoder
client = ReverseGeocoder("")
response = client.geocode(-37.856206, 145.233980)

print response['full_address']
#Amesbury Avenue, Wantirna, City of Knox, 3152, Australia

Database Function

This assumes you have PL/PYTHON installed for Postgres and have run setup.py. See Installation above.

# createdb -E utf8 testdb
# psql -d testdb -f setup.sql
# psql -d testdb
# SELECT reverse_geocode('', -37.856206, 145.233980); 
   Amesbury Avenue, Wantirna, City of Knox, 3152, Australia
  (1 row)