Debian Packager plugin allows generation of debian packages from a Grails application.
This plugin makes it easier to deploy grails applications on Debian based distros such as Ubuntu.
All this plugin does is to generate a .deb package that contains the files to be copied in the target host and a set of scripts that will be executed before/after the package is installed and another set of scripts that will be run before/after the package is uninstalled.
For example, using this plugin one can create a package that depends on the installation of tomcat7 on the target host. Once installed this package can place the war file in the /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps directory, place some configuration files in /etc on the target host, and place some static html documents in /var/www/htdocs.
Via a preinst script, the package can ensure that a given group and user exist in the target host before the package is installed.
Via a postinst script, the package can guarantee that some given paths exist by creating the needed symbolic links. Also, if needed the postinst script can start an arbitrary service after been installed.
And so on . . .
Once the debian package is created, it's possible to make it available to an apt-get repository allowing system administrators to install/upgrade a grails web application by simply issuing a command like
sudo apt-get install mycompany-mygrailsapp
in the target host and allowing the use of chef or puppet to quickly provision the application in a brand new computer.
To install the latest stable version of the plugin run:
grails install-plugin debian-packager
The plugin reads the following grails-app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy configurations:
<dd>Name of debian package file. Defaults to ${appName}_${appVersion}</dd>
<dd>Default instalation directory of package contents, defaults to /opt/${appName}</dd>
Directory where the war file generated with 'grails war' will be placed
in the package. Defaults to ${debian.install.home}/webapps
Name of the war file in the target directory.
Defaults to current war file. Useful for renaming the
generated war in the debian package.
User that may be created during the debian package installation.
Defaults to ${appName}.
Group that may be created during the debian package installation.
Defaults to ${appName}.
List of data items that will be included in the package.
These items can be directories, files or tar.gz archives.
Each item is described by a map with the following configuration
<dd>Either of file, directory or archive.</dd>
<dd>Path to the item to be included in the package.
If the type is directory or archive, all the item's contents are copied to the package.
<dd>Destination directory to the item in the package. Defaults to ${debian.install.home}</dd>
<dd>Valid only for items with type == 'file'.
Useful for renaming items in the generated package.
Defaults to the current file name.
The following example includes a directory, a file and an archive in the generated package = [ [ src: "a", target: "/opt/test-src", type: "directory" ], [ src: "b/", target: "/opt/test", type: "file", name: "" ], [ src: "b/archive.tar.gz", target: "/opt/test/exploded", type: "archive" ] ]
When the plugin is installed it creates a directory named debian in the project. In this directory are placed the package control files:
- control
- package descriptor, see: for its description.
- preinst
- commands to be executed before the package is installed
- postinst
- commands to be executed after the package is installed
- prerm
- commands to be executed before the package is removed
- postrm
- commands to be executed after the package is removed
- conffiles
- list of package configuration files, see: for further information.
These files are actually Groovy SimpleTemplate templates (see: that are processed before the generation of the package. The following values configured on BuildConfig.groovy are available to these templates:
- installHome (${debian.install.home})
- default instalation directory of package contents, defaults to /opt/${appName}
- appName
- name of grails application
- appVersion
- application version
- user (${debian.install.user})
- a user that may be created by this package, defaults to ${appName}
- group (${})
- a group that may be created by this package, defaults to ${appName}
To generate the debian package, use the following command:
grails debian