
Community Net plugin for Mongoose

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Community Net database plugin for Mongoose


npm install community-net-mongoose


The MongooseFacade constructor takes 5 arguments:

  • mongoose - The mongoose module
  • userSchemaName - The name of the mongoose User schema
  • subNetQueryDelgate - A delegate that builds a query to find users in the current user's sub-network. It has a single parameter that corresponds to a user mongoose document
  • toHelpQueryDelegate - A delegate that builds a query to find users that the current user can help. It has a single parameter that corresponds to a user mongoose document
  • docCoercionDelegate - A delegate that coerces the Mongoose document into a form that can be consumed by the Community Net plugin interface. It has a single parameter that corresponds to a user mongoose document

See the next section for example implementations of each of these parameters


See example for a implementation of the facade. It assumes a User doc with a schema similar to the following

  displayName: {
    type: String
  zip: {
    type: String
  email: {
    type: String
  skills: [{
    type: String,
    enum: ['painting', 'carpentry', ... , 'composting'],
  needs: [{
    type: String,
    enum: ['painting', 'carpentry', ... , 'composting'],