
A discreet resource for victims of domestic violence to find help.

Primary LanguageHTML


We’re more than just a Retail Store.
A Discreet Website for victims of Domestic Violence.
Do you need help? Let us light the way!

Deployed URL: https://rdevans87.github.io/Flare_App/

Demo URL: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15UURPtLA_AZ5P0IJqW7p2a2WjrS7nG93/view


Cristina Maze (concept, design, development) GitHub: https://github.com/cristinamaze

Anthony Decapite (design, development, support) GitHub: https://github.com/adecapite

Ryan Evans (research, development, support) GitHub: https://github.com/rdevans87


This application was developed collaboratively using agile methodologies and project management tools to conceive and execute a design that solves a real-world problem by integrating data received from multiple server-side API requests. Advanced HTML and CSS properties make up the structure and design. While third-party APIs powered by Javascript such as Bootstrap and jquery provide the primary functionality and responsiveness of our site.

Two server-side APIs were used to retrieve, store, and display data on our site specifically pertaining to non-profit organizations and advocacy groups in the greater Columbus, OH area specializing in domestic abuse.


NonProfit Explorer: https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/

GuideStar: https://www.guidestar.org/


The intent of this project was to develop an innocuous website that provides helpful resources for men, women, and children in the Columbus area; while presenting itself as a thrift clothing website to prying eyes. This application runs in a web browser and features clothing on three separate pages. All sections of the website are accessible from the homepage providing a user experience that is inuititive and easy to use. Users can sign up from the homepage to find out more about our website. The sign up modal contains a Terms of Service agreement meant to deter anyone from reading further. Click the check box to accept the Terms of Service and display a hidden element containing important information and instructions for using our site. Select from three different categories, each category displays a collection of apparel for shopping. At the bottom of each page, there is a search input for store locations. Enter the nearest zipcode and get search results for local domestic violence resources. Our hope is that users will find our website a secure place to seek help when they are unable to do so through other means.


In 2020, Ohio experienced 109 deaths caused by domestic violence. COVID has contributed to these numbers, increasing 35% from 2019. Additionally, when the stay-at-home order was issued, there was a 44% decrease in calls for domestic violence as victims who were trapped in their homes with their abusers were unable to reach out for help. As the most populous city, Columbus leads the state in domestic violence deaths. And in one of every five of these cases, children were directly involved. Fortunately, there are resources available to victims seeking shelter and anonymity.


As a user, I want a discreet website for victims of domestic violence to find local resources and support. 
When I visit the website, I'm presented with an innocuous online retail store that sells a variety of clothing. 
Then I scroll down to the bottom of the homepage and click the sign up button.
When I accept the terms of service, I'm provided with important information about the website.
Then I click one of the three menu options: Men's, Women's, Children's
When I view the page, I'm presented with different clothing items for each category. 
Then I can enter my zipcode at the bottom of each page. 
When I view the results, I'm provided with local resources disguised as retail store locations.  

