
ReadMe Generator created with NodeJs

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


License Badge


09 Node.js Homework: Professional README Generator

This is a command-line application that dynamically generates a professional README.md file from a user's input using the Inquirer package.

This application includes the following sections that are typically included in a README.md file:

Table of Contents

-- Project title
-- Description
-- Table of Contents
-- Installation
-- Usage
-- Contributing
-- Test
-- Questions

User Story

AS A developer
I WANT a README generator
SO THAT I can quickly create a professional README for a new project

Here is a screenshot of a Sample README.md file generated from the application. This file is located in the Sample-README-file folder:


  • Install Node.js to run this application.

  • Create a .gitignore file and include node_modules/ and .DS_Store/ so that your node_modules directory isn't tracked or uploaded to GitHub. Be sure to create your .gitignore file before installing any npm dependencies.

  • Make sure that your repo includes a package.json with the required dependencies. You can create one by running npm init when you first set up the project, before installing any dependencies.

  • Run command npm i inquirer from the integrated terminal to install inquirer.js package dependency.

  • The application will be invoked by using the following command: node index.js


  • With the application invoked, you'll be prompted to answer a series of questions from the command line to generate a README.md for your project.

  • Each question will pertain to a specific section of the README file you're creating. The questions for this application are located in the index.js file of this repository.

  • Hit Enter after answering each question to continue to the next prompt. When all the prompts are completed, a README.md file will automatically generate inside the explorer window of your project's repository.

  • Open the README file to view the results. You should now have a high-quality README.md file to use as a template for all your projects.

  • Your README.md should be written in standard Markdown format with the title of your project listed at the top of the page. Your README file should also contain a table of contents that corresponds to the headers for each section: Description, Installation, Usage, Credits, Contributing, Tests, Questions, License.

  • A License Badge should be displayed below the title of your project matching the open-source license that you selected from the prompt as well as include all the user input that was answered for each section.

A video demonstrating the applications functionality is available here: README.md Generator Walkthrough


Professional README Guide

Shields IO

Choose a license

Grading Requirements:

  • Deliverables: 20%

  • Documentation Walkthrough Video: 27%

  • Technical Acceptance Criteria: 40%

  • Repository Quality: 13%

Submitted for Review

  • A walkthrough video demonstrating the functionality of the application.

  • A sample README.md file for a project repository generated using your application

  • The URL of the GitHub repository, with a unique name and a README describing the project.


Email: rdevans87@gmail.com

Github: rdevans87


For more information on this license please visit: mit License