
Documentation of OSGeoLive project.

Primary LanguageHTML


Explain here how the index.html is automatically constructed.

reStructured Text

The majority of our documentation is generated from reStructured text
sources using Sphinx. reSt is similar to wiki markup, and readable in
plain ascii. As a quick check, the Trac system viewer will (partially)
render reSt documents as HTML from the online SVN browser.

1. Install python and sphinx version 0.6.4 or greater (as provided with Ubuntu 10.04), (install_main_docs.sh does this too)
   sudo apt-get install python-sphinx

2. The included make file will generate the documentation
   cd trunk/doc
   make html

   View output in _build/html/en/index.html


* http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Add_Project#Application_Overview

* http://sphinx.pocoo.org

* http://docutils.sf.net/rst.html

* http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/sampledoc/