Events, news and articles related to Apple's programming ecosystem in the palm of your hand. For more details about CocoaHub visit our website, follow us on Twitter or join us on Reddit.

About this repository

CocoaHub.content is a mirror of CocoaHub's database.Everyone can contribute by adding or updating content and we welcome you to give it a try and be one of our curators! To learn more about how you can contribute to CocoaHub's content, please visit CONTRIBUTING.

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Hello there 👋

I’m Pedro, a Portuguese iOS Engineer since February 2017. I’m an avid OSS enthusiast and contributor - help by sharing, learn by what’s shared.

I've built and open-sourced multiple frameworks and applications, including Brooklyn and CocoaHub.

I'm also a conference and meetup organizer, being part of SwiftAveiro and CocoaHeads Porto.

If you enjoy my work and would like to help me continue it, please consider: