iOS Test (Swift)

What is expected?

We love GitHub! 🐙 ❤️

In this test, you have to develop an app that connects to the GitHub REST API, lists all public repositories from an user, and shows repository details, like languages and commits.

User Stories

These are the User Stories you must implement in this app:

US01 - Repositories List

As an user
I want to see a list of repositories of a GitHub user
So I can pick the one I want

Acceptance criteria

  • This screen must have a text field so the user can type a GitHub user name and press Done to show repositories.
  • While the repositories are fetched, show the user a loading state.
  • If the user doesn't exist, show an error state.
  • Each element of the list should have the repository's name, its main language and the number of stargazers.
  • The list should be ordered by the last updated repository.
  • The list should leverage the use of pagination (20 repositories per page).
  • At each page load, show the user some feedback by displaying a loading view.

US02 - Repository Details

As an user
I want to navigate to a Repository Detail screen
So I can see detailed information about a repository

Acceptance criteria

The detail screen should display the following content:

  • Repository's name and number of stargazers.
  • List of repository's languages.
  • List of last 5 commits with author's name, commit's message and date.

Solution requirements

  • Use Xcode 12.4, iOS 14.4 and Swift 5.4.
  • You can use third-party libraries, but only 2. Feel free to use any dependency manager you want. This requirement does not apply to Tests targets.
  • Write any test you may find helpful or important to have.
  • The app is expected to work only for iPhone in portrait mode.
  • Keep performance and corner cases in mind. Beware of the retain cycles!
  • Use your experience and creativity to develop a kickass UI for your app!


  • Create a new repository in your GitHub account and send the URL to;
  • Create a README file with the instructions to run the project and the tests. Explain your solution, architecture details, choice of patterns and frameworks. Add any comment that you think is relevant. Take a look at this awesome README template.

Evaluation Method

  • Good coding practices and patterns.
  • Code readability and reusability.
  • View componentization.
  • File and folder structure.
  • Commit history (no single commit, please).
  • We really love tests! 😉


If you have any questions, please send an email to We will reply as fast as we can.

Good luck! 🍀