
the best codeIgniter admin palen.

Primary LanguageHTML

Admin Panel - User Management using CodeIgniter

#####Admin Panel - User Management Demo using CodeIgniter + AdminLTE Bootstrap Theme

The code is uploaded to demonstrate the simple role based Admin Panel application using CodeIgniter(MVC Framework)


Download the code from repository. Unzip the zip file.

Open browser; goto localhost/phpmyadmin.

Create a database with name "cias" and import the file "cias.sql" in that database.

Copy the remaining code into your root directory:

for example, for windows

WAMP : c:/wamp/www/cias


XAMPP : c:/xampp/htdocs/cias

Open browser; goto localhost/cias and press enter:

The login screen will appear.

To login, I am going to provide the user-email ids and password below.

System Administrator Account :

email : admin@codeinsect.com

password : codeinsect

Manager Account :

email : manager@codeinsect.com

password : codeinsect

Employee Account :

email : employee@codeinsect.com

password : codeinsect

Once you logged in with System Administrator account, you can create user or edit previous user if you want.

Youtube Links :

CodeIgniter Admin Panel Demo : This video contain the demo of CodeIgniter Admin Panel.

How to setup CodeIgniter Admin Panel : This video contain the procedure of setting up CodeIgniter Admin Panel.

After login "loginMe" controller is not found : ISSUE

Lot of people raising this issue, I resolved it 4-5 times for every user. People are not searching for closed issues. Thats why I am going to put this here.

How to get over this issue?

  1. enable mod_rewrite.dll (or mod_rewrite.so) by removing leading # in httpd.conf.
  2. After that, follow this solution https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24472349/htaccess-doesnt-work-on-xampp-windows-7