CRUD With Laravel, Vue JS, Rest API, Laravel Sanctum

Built With


  1. Clone the repo
    git clone
  2. Move to laravel Directory
    cd laravel
  3. Run this code
    composer install
    php artisan migrate --seed
    php artisan key:generate
  4. After That, Move to Vue JS Directory
    cd vuejs
  5. Run this code
    npm install

Run The Project

Make Sure you already done the installation
  1. Move to laravel directory and run the server
    cd laravel
    php artisan serve
  2. Move to Vue JS directory and run the server
    cd vuejs
    npm run serve


  • Make sure you run the laravel with 8000 port, and Vue JS on 8080 Port
  • You Need to run the laravel and vue js server at the same time for run the project

See Configuration Reference.