Dockerised aspcud

aspcud replacement script that calls a native aspcud inside a docker image


It is sometimes difficult to easily get a recent enough version of the aspcud dependency solver, which is needed for modern modular package managers like Opam.

If space is not an issue for you, it is possible to use a dockerised version of aspcud, that is a version of aspcud that runs inside a container that packs all the necessary libraries and binaries to execute it, no matter the platform you are using.


Just install the provided aspcud script in your path.


The Docker file used to build the Docker image used by the script is also provided.

Docker requires root priviledges to be executed.


  1. A modular package manager architecture Information and Software Technology, 55(2):459 - 474, 2013. Special Section: Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE), 2011

  2. Dependency solving: A separate concern in component evolution management Journal of System and Software Science, 85(10):2228 - 2240, 2012. Automated Software Evolution.

  3. aspcud is based on Answer Set Programming