
A simple little WordPress block that allows you add an SVG icon or graphic to your website.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

=== The Icon Block ===
Contributors:      ndiego, outermostdesign
Tags:              icon, icon block, SVG, SVG block, block
Requires at least: 5.8
Tested up to:      5.8
Requires PHP:      7.0
Stable tag:        1.0.0
License:           GPL-2.0-or-later
License URI:       https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html

Effortlessly add an SVG icon or graphic to your website or choose one from the WordPress icon library.

== Description ==

A simple little block that allows you add a custom SVG icon or graphic to the Block Editor (Gutenberg).

The plugin also includes the complete WordPress icon library with 270+ SVG icons to choose from!

=== Key Features ===

* 270+ native WordPress icons, including social logos
* Use any custom SVG icon or graphic
* Includes some handy icon controls (link, rotate, alignment, colors, etc.)
* No block library required 🎉
* Built almost entirely with native WordPress components
* Will get additional functionality as its added to WordPress core (margin, borders, responsive controls etc.)

=== Stay Connected ===

* [Follow on Twitter](https://twitter.com/theiconblock)
* [View on GitHub](https://github.com/ndiego/icon-block)

== Installation ==

1. You have a couple options:
	* Go to Plugins → Add New and search for "Icon Block". Once found, click "Install".
	* Download the Icon Block from wordpress.org and make sure the folder us zipped. Then upload via Plugins → Add New → Upload.
    * Open the block inserter within the Block Editor (Gutenberg) and search for "icon". The plugin should appear and allow you to it install directly. Skip steps 2 and 3.
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress.
3. Search for the block within the Block Editor (Gutenberg) and begin using.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Where can I get more icons? =

Currently, the Icon Block only includes the WordPress icon library. That said, the plugin allows you to render **any** SVG-based icon by simply copy/pasting the code into the icon textarea when using the "Add custom icon" option! See the screenshots for reference. This gives you complete flexibility and allows you to use practically any icon you want. A great source for free SVG icons is Google's Material Icons project, Font Awesome, and Iconic, just to name a few.

= Why is my icon not changing color? =

The Icon Block includes controls for the icon's color and background. However, if your SVG icon has hard coded color/fill values, the plugin will respect those instead of any applied custom colors.

= Why is the block not working for certain users? =

WordPress only allows Administrators and Editors to save SVG content. The Icon Block will not work properly for users who are at the Author level or lower.

== Screenshots ==

1. The Icon Block includes the WordPress icon library allowing you to quickly and easily insert 270+ graphics.
2. Create your own custom icons by simply copy/pasting the SVG code. Then modify the icon to suit your needs.
3. The Icon Block comes with numerous icon controls such as color, rotation, alignment, padding, and border radius.
4. Whether you need a big icon, or a small one, the Icon Block adapts to your layout. Give it a try with the Row block in Gutenberg!
5. Use the "quick inserter", to quickly pick the WordPress icon you need.
6. The WordPress icon library modal is complete with categories, search, and preview size functionality.
7. Custom icons are added via their own insertion modal with a large textarea and the ability to preview the SVG code.
8. You are not limited to traditional icons. Any SVG-based graphic will work as well. The block will respect any hard coded color/fill values in the provided SVG.

== Changelog ==

= 1.0.0 - 2021-10-06 =


* Added the WordPress icon library featuring 270+ icons.
* Add new placeholder and quick icon insertion experience.
* Added new custom icon editing modal for an improved insertion experience.

= 0.1.2 - 2021-09-27 =


* Added scale transform on the frontend when an icon is linked to improve a11y. This matches the hover styling in the core WordPress Social Icons block. Future improvements are planned, including dedicated hover/focus settings within the block itself.


* Fixed translation file.
* Fixed version in block.json so block can be added to the Block Directory.

= 0.1.1 - 2021-09-25 =


* Fixed SVG sanitization for non-standard SVGs.

= 0.1.0 - 2021-09-25 =

* Initial release 🎉