
:wave: Webserver & command-line tool for search of APO (unbound) protein structures from HOLO (bound) forms and vice versa.

AHoJ: Apo-Holo Protein Search

Webserver & command-line tool for search of Apo (unbound) protein structures from Holo (bound) forms and vice versa.


  • customizable search of Apo-Holo pairs in the PDB
  • alignment to the query structure
  • batch mode for fast parallel dataset processing
  • visualization via Molstar and PyMol
  • public documented REST-API

Web version

Web interface is now available at: http://apoholo.cz

AHoJ: Apo-Holo Protein Search Webapp Screenshot

Standalone version

Standalone Python command line application: https://github.com/ioChris/AHoJ



Article in Bioinformatics: https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btac701

Preprint on bioRxiv: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.09.05.496878


Poster introducing the method: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/359512815_AHoJ_Rapid_tailored_search_and_retrieval_of_apo_and_holo_protein_structures

Future updates

The project will be released soon as open source on GitHub. ⭐ or follow this repo for further updates.