
Cincinnati.rb web app

Primary LanguageRuby

Cincinnati.rb Homepage / Webapp

Build Status

  • Rails 3.1 project using the asset pipline
  • Uses Zurb's foundation project for styling and page layout
  • Uses HAML and SASS for templating and stylesheets
  • Includes Underscore and Backbone JS


On a * nix environment, just run:


and you should be setup to go. You'll need a Meetup API key, which you can find at



  1. Fork the project
  2. Add your feature or fix the issue you found.
  3. Run/add tests! This is important so we don't break anything.
  4. Send a Pull Request and an email to cincinnatirb@googlegroups.com, so someone knows it's out there.
  5. Pat yourself on the back for being wicked awesome!