
Simple interface to BioStor

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Simple interface to BioStor


Type Name Content
CNAME biostor.org DNS Target from Heroku
CNAME www DNS Target from Heroku

Elastic search


Based on @rogerhyam’s IIIF proof of concept I’ve implemented a IIIF viewer for BioStor content using Universal Viewer and the Internet Archive’s IIIF server.

To install Universal Viewer clone the respository, make sure you have node.js, bower, and grunt, then build the distribution:

  1. Install the grunt command line interface (if you haven't already); on the command line, run:

      npm install -g grunt-cli
  2. Install bower (if you haven't already)

     npm install -g bower
  3. On the command line, go in to the universalviewer folder

  4. Run

     npm install
     bower install
     grunt sync
  5. Build the distribution build (i.e., files to add to your web server)

     grunt build
  6. Put the files in the dist folder on your web site (e.g., in a folder called uv)

  7. Add a tweaked version of Roger’s viewer.php script from iiif_poc and use the InternetArchive IIIF server as the source of the IIIF manifest, e.g. https://iiif.archivelab.org/iiif/biostor-244961/manifest.json.

Note that IA’s IIIF server seems a bit flaky, so your mileage may vary.

Managing items


Use scroll search to get list of all ids. Note that this search requires multiple Elasticsearch queries, only the first includes the specific index, all subsequent queries are to the server.

Internet Archive

https://archive.org/advancedsearch.php?q=collection%3A%28biostor%29&fl%5B%5D=identifier&sort%5B%5D=&sort%5B%5D=&sort%5B%5D=&rows=300000&page=1&output=json&callback=callback&save=yes#raw will get JSON list of all BioStor items in IA.