
mapping between the digitised version of Nomenclator Zoologicus from uBio, and bibliographic databases such as the Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL)

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Mapping between the digitised version of Nomenclator Zoologicus from uBio, and bibliographic databases such as the Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL).

The original tab-delimited data set supplied by David Remsen is in the data folder. A recent SQL dump of the database is in the sql folder.

For background to the original data set see:

Remsen, D. P., Norton, C., & Patterson, D. J. (2006). Taxonomic Informatics Tools for the Electronic Nomenclator Zoologicus. The Biological Bulletin, 210(1), 18–24. https://doi.org/10.2307/4134533

Relationships between names

Based on a harvest of the uBio website we have table nz_related which has (id, related_id) tuples. id is unique but related_id is not, so direction is asymmetric and if we store in same table as then names then can store related_id in id row.

An example where related_id is not unique is 106118 which is the genus Leptusa. There are 44 names related to this one, they are all names that were originally proposed as subgenera of Leptusa.

select * from nz
inner join nz_related ON nz.id = nz_related.id
where nz_related.related_id= 106118;

2022-05-25 Currently nz doesn’t do this correctly, nz.related_id should be the same as nz_related.related_id. Will need to reload and also reclassify the relationships. Could use Nomenclatural Status GBIF Vocabulary If we export this as Darwin Core could use Darwin Core Resource Relationship

graph LR
    id(id) --> |genus| genus[genus name]
    id --> |author| author[author of name]
    id --> |publication| publication[publication details]
    id --> |year| year
    id --> |comments| comments[comments on name]
     id --> |category| category[higher taxon genus belongs to]
   id -->|related| related_id(related_id, 1:n) 
    id -->|identifier| identifier[bibliographic identifier such as DOI, n:1]


Matching to BHL

The script bhl_match.php will take a BHL ItemID and corresponding SQL query and try and match BHL pages to citations. Useful for cases where lots of names come from the same work (e.g., a book).

Matching to Wikidata

To do: