Empty Repository

This is just an empty repository to play around with some Diagrams-as-Code tools.

To open this repository in gitpod, just preface the URL with gitpod.io#.

Next, gitpod will start a web based visual studio instance with everything pre-installed.

Open this README.adoc and press Ctrl+k then v to aktivate the AsciiDoc preview.

Now open src/docs/diagrams-as-code.adoc and start hacking.


To install docToolchain, switch to the terminal and run

curl -Lo dtcw doctoolchain.github.io/dtcw
chmod +x dtcw
./dtcw install doctoolchain

To preview the files, start a small server from within the terminal:

python -m http.server 8000

Gitpod will now ask you what to do with the opened port. Just click on "open in browser" and navigate through the build folder.


run structurizr lite as docker container

docker run -it --rm -p 8080:8080 -v $(pwd)/workspaces:/usr/local/structurizr structurizr/lite

get the CLI to export images

wget https://github.com/structurizr/cli/releases/download/2024.01.02/structurizr-cli.zip
unzip structurizr-cli.zip