
This library makes it easy to interact with the CleverReach REST API v3.

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CleverReach REST API v3 client

This library makes it easy to interact with the CleverReach REST API v3.


composer require rdoepner/cleverreach


Get an access token

use rdoepner\CleverReach\ApiManager;
use rdoepner\CleverReach\Http\Guzzle as HttpAdapter;

// Create an HTTP adapter
$httpAdapter = new HttpAdapter();

// Authorize your app by credentials
$response = $httpAdapter->authorize('<CLIENT_ID>', '<CLIENT_SECRET>');

if (isset($response['access_token'])) {
    // Persist the access token for later use...

Initialize an API manager

use rdoepner\CleverReach\ApiManager;
use rdoepner\CleverReach\Http\Guzzle as HttpAdapter;

// Create an HTTP adapter
$httpAdapter = new HttpAdapter(
        'access_token' => '<ACCESS_TOKEN>',

// Create the API manager
$apiManager = new ApiManager($httpAdapter);

Create an inactive subscriber

$response = $apiManager->createSubscriber(
    false, // not activated
        'salutation' => 'Mr.',
        'firstname' => 'John',
        'lastname' => 'Doe',
    [], // global attributes
    ['tagX'] // tags

if (isset($response['id'])) {
    // ...

Update a subscriber

$response = $apiManager->updateSubscriber(
        'salutation' => 'Mr.',
        'firstname' => 'John',
        'lastname' => 'Doe',
    [], // global attributes
    ['tagX'] // tags

if (isset($response['id'])) {
    // ...

Trigger the Double-Opt-In email for an inactive subscriber

$response = $apiManager->triggerDoubleOptInEmail('<EMAIL>', '<FORM_ID>');

if (isset($response['success'])) {
    // ...

Trigger the Double-Opt-Out email for an active subscriber

$response = $apiManager->triggerDoubleOptOutEmail('<EMAIL>', '<FORM_ID>');

if (isset($response['success'])) {
    // ...

Get subscriber

$response = $apiManager->getSubscriber('<EMAIL>', '<GROUP_ID>');

if (isset($response['id'])) {
    // ...

Sets the active status of a subscriber

$response = $apiManager->setSubscriberStatus('<EMAIL>', '<GROUP_ID>', '<TRUE_OR_FALSE>');

if (true === $response) {
    // ...

Delete a subscriber

$response = $apiManager->deleteSubscriber('<EMAIL>', '<GROUP_ID>');

if (true === $response) {
    // ...

Get attributes

$response = $apiManager->getAttributes('<GROUP_ID>');

if (true === $response) {
    // ...

Update the attributes of a subscriber

$response = $apiManager->updateSubscriberAttributes('<POOL_ID>', '<ATTRIBUTE_ID>', '<VALUE>');

if (true === $response) {
    // ...

Replace the tags of a subscriber

$response = $apiManager->replaceSubscriberTags('<EMAIL>', '<GROUP_ID>', ['<TAG1>', '<TAG2>', ...]);

if (true === $response) {
    // ...

Get the groups a subscriber is in

$response = $apiManager->getSubscriberGroups('<EMAIL>');

if (true === $response) {
    // ...