
Rust template replacer

Primary LanguageRust


Replaces the variables listed in a json variables file in to the template file and saves the output.

variables json file layout

    "vars": {
        "%env%": "D",
        "THIS": "<this>"

##cli arguments

usage: replacer <source> <variables> <encode: html|txt> [dest]

source: is the template file containing the tokes you wish to replace.
variables: is the json file containing the key value pair, the key is looked for in the template and when found replaced with the value.
encode: html for encoding the value into html and txt (or any other value) for none encoding.
dest: is the optional output file where the replaced data is saved. When ommited the source file is used as the output file.

template example

This is a template for %env%
Where you see %env% it should say D
Where we see THIS it should say this.

encoding values into html

You can encode the values from the variables json file into different encodings, like html

replacer template.txt vars.json html out1.txt

encoding values into txt (no encoding)

You can encode the values from the variables json file into different encodings, like html

replacer template.txt vars.json txt out1.txt