
Implementation of NuBus controller with Verilog for Risc5 CPU

Primary LanguageVerilogMIT LicenseMIT

Ξ XiBus

Implementation of NuBus controller with Verilog for using with RiscV.

Designed for integration with PicoRV

ToDo List

  • NuBus Arbiter
    • Arbiter testbench
  • NuBus slave
    • Testbench
    • Slots
    • Superslots
    • Local memory access
  • NuBus master
    • Testbench
    • Master timeout error
    • Multimaster bus transfer testbench
  • Bus transfer errors
    • NuBus - Parity error
    • Master - Timeout
    • Master - Non aligned memory access
    • Slave - Memory acccess error (as input pin on memory interface)
    • Slave - Try again later (as input pin on memory interface)
    • Slave - Parity for ECC memory
    • Bus transfer errors testbench
  • Interrupts
    • Interrupt on bus error
    • Interrupt on unused memory access
    • Non master request (NMRQ)
    • Interrupts testbench
  • Block transfer
    • Block transfer testbench


nubus_arbiter.v - Arbiter

nubus_driver.v - Nubus singnals driver

nubus_master.v - Master controller

nubus_slave.v - Slave controller

nubus_inc.sv - Included to various files definition of NuBus signals

nubus_arbiter_tb.sv - Arbiter's test bench

nubus_slave_tb.sv - Slave controller test bench (virtual master access to slave)

nubus_master_tb.sv - Master controller test bench (CPU access to slave with NuBus)

nubus_memory.sv - Memory controller used for tests

cpu_bus.v - Encoder from PicoRV bus to this NuBus controller


make clean

make arbiter

make test_arbiter

make slave

make test_slave

make master

make test_master

Data Lines Digram

Data Lines