Disney++ (Disney Streaming Take Home Assessment)

This is a small demo app created for the Disney Streaming team as part of a take-home coding assessment. The app pulls collection information from a BAM which it then uses to populate a "home page" media scroller, similar to Disney+, or other such streaming apps.

Screenshot of homepage


  • Create a page that consumes the home page API and renders the pre-populated data onto the screen.
  • The focused tile must be scaled up.
  • The app should support navigation similar to a remote control, e.g. up/down/left/right/enter/back/etc. Avoid mouse input.
  • Minimum layout should be multiple rows of data, but please feel free to add in your own design ideas as well!

✨ Disney Magic ✨

ALERT: There is a 15% chance of magic in the forecast today. Be on the lookout for a hidden mickey on the page headers. You might have to refresh the page to find him!


Locally, the app can be run with:
yarn install
yarn start

To build the app for distribution, run:
yarn run build


The app is Dockerized and deployed on Heroku at https://disney-takehome.herokuapp.com/

Areas In Need Of Improvement

Add unit tests

  • There are currently no unit tests. I made the decision not to include unit tests for this because I knew that the project would already consume a large portion of my nights and weekends, and I wanted to limit the scope of time. If given more time, I consider unit tests to be part of the Definition of Done, and would employ TDD to develop a project/feature/bug.

Improve class hierarchy for models.

  • Some of the models I created, like the different title classes under src/models/title, could be reworked to take more advantage of inheritance or polymorphism. It seems that they share some fields up until a certain point where they differ (program, series, set, collection).

Separate webpack files into common, dev, and prod

  • The webpack.config.js file currently houses all the build configurations and is geared towards a dev workflow. A separate webpack.prod.config.js should be created which would optimize the build for production. A webpack.dev.config.js would do the same for dev. webpack.common.config.js would have the shared build configs.

Set up app configuration infrastructure

  • App configuration values like API URLs should be stored in an environment-specific configuration file.

Add support to dynamically populate SetRef sets

  • Currently, the set renders set refs, but it populates them all on page load. Support still needs to be added for dynamically loading them as they scroll into view.

Add title text overlay to placeholder images on image not found

  • Currently, we just see a friendly Mickey when an image 404's, but it would be much more helpful to the user if we also display the item's title so they know what movie/series/collection it's supposed to be.

Add dependency injection

  • The classes in this project currently know how to instantiate dependencies such as CollectionService. It is best practice to follow inversion of control. A dependency injection framework would achieve this. Dependency injection is also critical to isolating classes when unit testing them.

Set up a proper backend

  • The app is currently served up by webpack-dev-server which is not a sustainable or secure option for serving the app in a real production scenario.