
An unofficial way to access ChatGPT in your app using browserless

Primary LanguagePython


  • An unofficial way to access ChatGPT in your app using Browserless and selenium
  • It receives an sms message, opens a headless browser, and parses html to return a response sms message to the sender.

A quick demo of what you'll get! Watch the video

How to install

  • Make sure that python and virual environment is installed
  • Clone the github repo
gh repo clone rdowns26/unofficial-chat-gpt
  • Open unofficial-chat-gpt directory
cd unofficial-chat-gpt
  • Create .env file for your environment variables
mkdir .env
  • Add your environment variables to the .env file in the following format without the brackets
OPENAI_EMAIL={your open AI login email}
OPENAI_PASSWORD={your open AI login password}

# obtain a free Browserless API key by creating an account here: https://www.browserless.io/sign-up/
BROWSERLESS_KEY={your Browserless API key}

# create a free starter Twilio account and purchase a phone number, create an account here: https://www.twilio.com/try-twilio
TWILIO_NUMBER = {your purchased Twilio phone number, i.e. 15555555555}
TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID = {your Twilio account_sid, i.e. AC2xxx...} 
TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN = {your Twilio auth_token, i.e. 5ddxxx...} 
  • Create a new virtual environment
# just once in your project directory
python3 -m venv venv

# activate the venv everytime you want to run the server
source pyenv/bin/activate
  • Install the requirements
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • Now run the main.py file
python3 main.py

Enabling the Twilio webhook to talk to your flask app:

  • Go to your Twilio account's active phone numbers
  • Find the phone number you just created
  • Go to the configure tab and scroll to the bottom
  • Find the Messaging section
  • Enter your app's public URL into the "A MESSAGE COMES IN WEBHOOK" section with the "/sms" endpoint added to the end (i.e. https://a6f9-2600-1700.ngrok.io/sms)

Tip: we used ngrok to create a public URL to access our local host in order to receive the webhook information from Twilio

Inspired by