free audio capture device to capture all the "wave out sound" that is playing on your speakers (i.e. record what you hear) for Windows Vista+. Releases downloadable in this package:
- 3
Is there a "portable" version of the virtual audio grabber (non-adminstrator version)?
#24 opened by Weej1 - 2
Audio Input Capturer
#41 opened by Oheed911 - 1
- 20
"IAudioCaptureClient::setup failed"
#25 opened by Dementei - 1
- 2
PushDesktop.ax failed to load
#40 opened by tari3x - 4
About license
#39 opened by KwangHyun4Lee - 8
Contact address
#38 opened by leadedge - 1
Changing audio device
#37 opened by NotNite - 14
- 4
How to setup this as microphone?
#32 opened by beppe9000 - 4
- 5
- 1
- 3
Capture multiple audio output sources
#35 opened by loligans - 11
acm project build error windows 10
#34 opened by herbzone127 - 2
regsvr32 has not work
#31 opened by fawdlstty - 3
Software Size Issue
#30 opened by MFarrukh54 - 2
Record auido failed.
#29 opened by zhlxys - 4
audio_sniff.dll crash
#28 opened by dijiang - 1
audiosniffer.dll causing application crash
#27 opened by dijiang - 2
Excluding certain process' audio from recording?
#26 opened by 0xb1337 - 8
- 2
Is there any way to use this without install `screen capture recorder` packet
#21 opened by zhaohuaxishi - 13
audiosniffer.dll causing application crash
#20 opened by syam38 - 3
Fantastic! WinXP Code?
#17 opened by Noitidart - 20
the recorded audio can not right.
#15 opened by dttlgotv - 4
- 13
no audio on silence
#10 opened by roman-miniailov - 2
if no audio devices causes a segfault
#8 opened by rdp - 2
graphedit report error
#4 opened - 2
i have a problem
#3 opened - 10
Not always working on windows 2012
#19 opened by git-cos - 3
Virtual audio grabber getting crashed.
#18 opened - 3
License Selection
#2 opened by Demolishun - 6
- 2
FFMpeg can not find virtual audio capture after I register the dll to windows 7.
#14 opened by dttlgotv - 2
No sound on windows 8
#11 opened by matinlotfali