
Animated versions of some figures in the paper "A Quadratic Speedup in the Optimization of Noisy Quantum Optical Circuits".


Animated versions of some figures in the paper "A Quadratic Speedup in the Optimization of Noisy Quantum Optical Circuits".
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22331/q-2023-08-29-1097. Published in Quantum under CC-BY 4.0.

The paper shows a novel approach to simulating quantum optical circuits that contain photon-number-resolving detectors. Traditionally, including real-world factors like loss and noise would slow down such calculations quadratically. This paper shows how to evade that hurdle! Moreover, our techniques allow us to calculate gradients, opening the door to faster circuit optimization. This means we can simulate and optimize realistic circuits with the same effort as ideal ones.



  1. The buffer strategy is introduced in section 3.1.4 of the manuscript. When applying this strategy, the off-diagonal amplitudes are removed from memory once they have been used. 2 3