
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project REST-Rant

REST-Rant is an app where users can review restaurants.

Places will have a name (string), city (string), state (string), cuisines (string) and a pic (string)

Method Path Purpose
GET / The home page
GET /places Index page listing all places
GET /places/new New form for a place
POST /places Create a new place
GET /places/:id Show one place in detail (Associated rants, new rant form, delete rant button)
GET /places/:id/edit Edit form for a place
PUT /places/:id Make changes to existing place
DELETE /places/:id Delete a place
POST /places/:id/rant Add rant to a place
DELETE /places/:id/rant/:rantId Delete a rant



Field Type
_id Object ID
name String
city String
state String
cuisines String
pic String


Field Type
_id Object ID
place_id ref(places) Object_Id
rant Boolean
rating Number
comment String
reviewer String