
Primary LanguageCSS

What is this

Saga is a super small content managament system build for webdesigners who wants to control their markup and not have to battle with database setup or complex techstacks

Its a try to get back to the late 90'ies and build flatfile sites that could be dropped into any ftp server and be done with.

Core Values

  • No database setup
  • 100% Markup control
  • Small tech stack (ish...)
  • Build for Web designers that knows html
  • Easy to hand down to others
  • Able to deploy on netlify/github pages or move to other host
  • At the end its just html, css, js and a some images
  • Easy to build the site with no interfearence from the system

Tech stack

  • markdown, json and nunjucks templates
  • 11ty to generate the html files
  • git for storage (github etc)
  • Deploy on what you want (ftp / netlify / github pages)
  • Netlifycms for online content editing
  • Tailwind for css (easy to hand over to dev teams) - easy to remove
  • Alpine for interactivity (also easy to remove)

But i want a CMS

  • Netlifycms can handle the generating of markdown and json files
  • netlify hosting handles the user login stuff
  • netlifycms can also run locally so no dependencies on netlify
  • Its just markdown files so its easy to edit by hand by the webdesigner

Quick start

  1. open terminal do an npm install
  2. spin up the site npm run start
  3. build minified css 'npm run tailwind:build'



(Install node)

npm install -g @11ty/eleventy
npm install

npm run dev

npm run dev

npm run build (build css minified)

npx tailwindcss -i src/css/tailwind.css -o src/css/style.min.css --minify

CMS (Netlify CMS)

first run npx netlify-cms-proxy-server npm run admin

then start the build npm run start

go to /admin

Visual regression test

Install Backstop for visual regression test on local setup npm install -g backstopjs

configure in backstop.json


First make sure a local version is running as production netlify dev

First run

$ netlify dev Build the reference images backstop reference

then we can test - do the changes and then we cant test up against the reference images backstop test

If its cool and approved we can add the changes to the references with approve backstop approve

backstop openReport


inside _data/site.son general meta data is added like sitename etc

RSS feed


css setup

Tailwin config /tailwin.config.js setup all the specific here https://tailwindcss.com/

js alphine

alphine is downloaded local and uses 3+ https://alpinejs.dev/

markdown template

title: my title
layout: base.njk
eleventyExcludeFromCollections: false

permalink: "mega-awesome-stuff/"
tags: post
date: Last Modified

  key: contact
  parent: about
  order: 1


