A Slippi powered stream overlay
Welcome to Slippi-HUD, a nodecg package that can be used to power all kinds of slippi powered melee streams. You can create your own custom HUD, or an auto updating stream overlay.
Use the Wiki
I'm a madman, obviously
Hey, my font doesn't look right.
That's not a question, but you likely need to install the Metropolis Light and Metropolis Black Fonts
I don't like the way it looks
And? All you have to do is make your own html/css, the source code is right here.
What are all the variables I can call?
The Debug template contains the answers you seek.
Node, Javascript, and Lit as I understand.
Steven 'Doppler12' Knepper
Wrote the HUD css/html (that's my hackery), Designed the graphical elements, runs the git
Marwin 'dragonbane0' Misselhorn
wrote the whole backend that plugs into slippi
Classic HUD and pillar-box art
Jas Laferriere and the Slippi team
Project Slippi
Slp-Realtime & Slippi-Stats