
AirBnB Clone Project at Holberton School, called The Holberton B&B

Primary LanguageHTML



This is the AirBnB clone project, called The Holberton B&B as part of Holberton School full stack training. The goal of the project is to deploy on the server a simple copy of the AirBnB website. The project is divided into following parts:

  • A Front-end application for user interactions.
  • An API for front-end and the backend integration.
  • A database that stores the data.
  • A command interpreter to manipulate data without a visual interface for development and debugging.

Part 1: Create a Command Interpreter to manage your AirBnB objects that does following:

  • Supports basic help, quit, exit and enter commands.
  • Create a new object (ex: a new User or a new Place).
create <classname>
  • Retrieve an object from a file, a database etc.
show <classname>
  • Do operations on objects (count, compute stats, etc.).
  • Update attributes of an object.
update <classname> <id> <attribute_to_update> <updating_value>
  • Destroy an object.
destroy <classname> <id>

Alt text

Styling and Specifications

Programs styling and formatting is based on pep8 style guide and is checked as:

pep8 file.py


All programs must run with pyton 3.4.3 on Ubuntu 14.04. To run the command interpreter:

./console.py or python3 console.py

To run the unittests:

python3 -m unittest discover tests
or to run for a specific file:
python3 -m tests.test_file.py

Directories and Files

  • console.py is the entry point of command interpreter.
  • /models - contains all data(objcet) classes.
  • /models/engine - contains all storage classes.
  • /tests - contains all unit tests for classes.
  • /tests/test_models/test_engine - contains unit tests for all storage classes.
  • /screenshots - contains screenshots of sample output.
