
This was fixed in istio 1.2.8, thanks to the istio team!

Primary LanguageJava


This project demonstrates Istio is broken on Java 9 and beyond.

  • On Java 9 and 10 – it's broken with any library that tries to do HTTP/2.
  • On Java 11 and above – it's broken at the language level for every HTTP request.



  • A plain vanilla istio cluster with mTLS disabled, traffic policy is ALLOW_ANY. No other configuration.
  • echo-server is a plain vanilla http echo server running on tomcat, created from https://start.spring.io
  • echo-client is a plain vanilla client that calls the echo server, using regular built-in Java HTTP client
  • They have ports declared as http as per Istio requirements
  • echo-server has istio sidecar injected. echo-client may or may not have istio injected, result is same.

Steps to Reproduce

  • kubectl apply -f "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rdsubhas/java-istio/master/k8s.yaml"
  • kubectl get pods --all-namespaces: Wait for echo-server and echo-client to be up and running
  • Open echo server at http://<cluster>:30181/ – it works fine
  • Now open echo client at http://<cluster>:30182/
  • Expected: Echo client talks to echo server
  • Actual: Istio blocks the request with HTTP 403

HTTP 403


  • HTTP/2 upgrade spec: https://httpwg.org/specs/rfc7540.html#discover-http
    • Generally, clients (web browsers, Java, etc) don't know beforehand whether the server they are calling supports HTTP/1 or HTTP/2

    • As outlined in the spec, they will send Upgrade: h2c and the other headers as an indicator

    • The server can respond by switching protocols, again as per spec

    • But if not, the spec clearly states, the server can process the request as if it was normal HTTP/1.1

      A server that does not support HTTP/2 can respond to the request as though the Upgrade header field were absent.

None of this is custom. It's as per standard. That's how Google Chrome can talk to your HTTP/1.1 servers today. Spring boot supports this mode from Java 9 onwards. Java 11 and onwards it's the default behavior.

This might be tolerable if the port was declared as http2. But in this case, the port is clearly labelled as http and even then Istio breaks.

This is purely on the incoming istio sidecar. Not on egress. That's what makes this bug even more annoying. For egress ports, there are LDS limits and so on. But on the incoming side, there is simply no ambiguity on the container port's name. But even if there was ambiguity, the spec already clearly addresses it and says to ignore the optional headers and do normal HTTP.


Any plain java HTTP call within cluster using standard, built-in HTTP clients and specs is broken on Istio. Forget about advanced stuff like Traffic routing and so on. Just point-to-point call will not work.


  1. Mark http ports as tcp
  2. (Or) Disable istio on the target namespace.