- Bootstrapping a simple C/C++ based compiler written in C++.
- The compiler will intially be used to build simple C programs, and then extend the grammar enough so that it is able to compile itself.
- cmake
- For Binary CodeGen:
- nasm
- macOS with Intel x64 CPU
Building/Running/Testing in a unix environment:
git clone https://github.com/rdtscp/c-bootstrap.git
cd ./c-bootstrap/
mkdir build ; cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ../
make -j && ctest --output-on-failure
Building/Running/Testing in a unix environment:
# Run Examples below
./acc ../test/tests/Test_Parser/BinOp/test.cpp test.dot --graph
./acc ../test/tests/Test_Parser/BinOp/test.cpp test_opt.dot --graph --opt
Then paste the contents of test.dot and test_opt.dot into a dot-graph generator (I recommend http://www.webgraphviz.com/). You can then see a graphical representation of the input program.
Building/Running/Testing on macOS:
# Run Examples below
./acc ../test/tests/main.cpp test.out
Progressively changing to adopt new features of the language(s).
program -> (include)* (decl)* EOF
decl -> classdecl ";"
-> vardecl ";"
-> arrvardecl ";"
-> fundecl ";"
-> fundef
-> typedecl ";"
-> enumdecl ";"
classdecl -> "class" IDENT "{" (decl | accessmod )* "}" ";"
accessmod -> "public:" | "private:" | "protected:"
vardecl -> type IDENT
arrvardecl -> vardecl "[" INT_LITERAL "]"
fundecl -> type (IDENT | opoverloads) "(" params ")"
opoverloads -> "operator="
| "operator=="
| "operator!="
fundef -> type IDENT "(" params ")" block
typedecl -> "typedef" type IDENT
enumdecl -> "enum" "{" statelist "}"
statelist -> (IDENT ["=" INT_LITERAL] ",")* IDENT ["=" INT_LITERAL]
type -> ("int" | "char" | "void", "unsigned int", "bool" | classtype ) (ASTERIX)*
classtype -> IDENT
params -> [ type IDENT ("," type IDENT)* ]
stmt -> vardecl ";"
| block
| "do" stmt "while" "(" exp ")" ";"
| "while" "(" exp ")" stmt
| "if" "(" exp ")" stmt ["else" stmt]
| "return" [exp] ";"
| "delete" IDENT ";"
| "delete[]" IDENT ";"
| "throw" STRING_LITERAL ";"
| expr "=" expr ";"
| expr ";"
block -> "{" stmt* "}"
expr -> boolExpr ( "?" boolExpr ":" boolExpr )*
| boolExpr "+=" boolExpr
boolExpr -> equalExpr
| equalExpr "||" equalExpr ( ( "||" || "&&" ) equalExpr )*
| equalExpr "&&" equalExpr ( ( "||" || "&&" ) equalExpr )*
equalExpr -> compExpr
| compExpr "!=" compExpr
| compExpr "==" compExpr
compExpr -> addExpr
| addExpr "<" addExpr
| addExpr ">" addExpr
| addExpr "<=" addExpr
| addExpr ">=" addExpr
addExpr -> mulExpr
| mulExpr "+" mulExpr ( ( "+" || "-" ) mulExpr )*
| mulExpr "-" mulExpr ( ( "+" || "-" ) mulExpr )*
mulExpr -> unaryExpr
| unaryExpr "*" unaryExpr ( ( "*" || "/" || "%" ) unaryExpr )*
| unaryExpr "/" unaryExpr ( ( "_" || "/" || "%" ) unaryExpr )*
| unaryExpr "%" unaryExpr ( ( "_" || "/" || "%" ) unaryExpr )*
unaryExpr -> "sizeof" "(" type ")"
| "*" objExpr
| "(" type ")"
| "-" objExpr
| "++" objExpr
| "new" type [ "(" litExpr ("," litExpr)* ")" ] ";"
| "&" objExpr
| "!" objExpr
| objExpr "[" expr "]
| objExpr
objExpr -> funCall (objExprOp)*
| IDENT (objExprOp)*
| "this" (objExprOp)*
| litExpr
objExprOp -> "." funCall
| "->" funCall
| "." objExpr
| "->" objExpr
| "[" objExpr "]"
funCall -> IDENT "(" litExpr ("," litExpr)\* ")"
| IDENT "(" litExpr ")"
| IDENT "(" ")"
litExpr -> INT_LITERAL
| "true"
| "false"
| "(" expr ")"
| expr
# Building Assembly:
acc main.cpp
# Building Objects
nasm -f macho64 x86.s
# Link Objects
ld -no_pie -macosx_version_min 10.15 -lSystem -o x86 x86.o