
Turn your CSV files to queryable objects

Primary LanguageJavaScript

node-csv-query Build Status

Turn your CSV files to queryable objects.

Node-csv-query loads the entire CSV file in memory, thanks to csv-parse, then plug lodash manipulation functions on the loaded dataset. This can be handy for demo project as your code will have a databsae ready syntax while your dataset is easily editable even for non developer.

⚠️Warning⚠️: this library is not meant for performance!

How to use



Connect to your csv database

'use strict';
var csvdb = require("node-csv-query").default;
var databaseConnection = null;

csvdb(__dirname + "/dataset.csv").then(function (db) {
  databaseConnection = db;

How to find the row with firstName=Olivier

  firstName: "Olivier" 
}).then(function (record) {
  // Do some stuff

How to find the rows with firstName=Alex

  firstName: "Alex" 
}).then(function (records) {
  // Do some stuff

How to find the rows with having an 'i' in their firstName

This lib use lodash for querying the dataset. All query format are listed here. node-csv-query will just pass the query param to lodash as the predicate argument.

databaseConnection.find(function (record) {
  return record.firstName.indexOf('i') > -1;
}).then(function (records) {
  // Do some stuff

How to deal with different dataset format

This lib is based on csv-parse for parsing csv files. All available options for parsing the CSV are listed here. node-csv-query will just pass these option to csv-parse with the exception of the columns option that will be overrided to true for internal mechanism to works.


# this dataset has comment & semi colon separator & space before separator
id;firstName   ;lastName ;amountOfBooks
1 ;Olivier     ;Kaisin   ;10
2 ;Emile-Victor;Portenart;2
3 ;Alex        ;Mapolice ;42
4 ;Alex        ;Gaspy    ;2
'use strict';

var csvdb = require("node-csv-query").default;

  __dirname + "/dataset_custom.csv", { rtrim: true, delimiter: ';', comment: '#' }
).then(function (db) {
  return db.findOne({ 
    firstName: "Olivier" 
}).then(function (record) {
  // Do some stuff
}).catch(function (error) {
  throw error;


This lib has been packaged for Node >= v8.9 .
