
Linux Kernel eBPF Collectors

Primary LanguageC



Linux Kernel eBPF Collectors

Directory structure

The respository has the following directory structure:

  • artificats: Directory that will have the eBPF programs and shared libraries when the compilation process ends.
  • includes: Common headers
  • kernel: The eBPF programs source code
  • lib: The libelf static used to create the shared library.
  • library: Codes from Linux kernel-source changed to create the shared library.
  • libbpf_0_0_1: An inexistent version of the libbpf library, we changed it to support old Linux kernels.
  • libbpf: The latest libbpf version from kernel.
  • tools: scripts used to verify system status before to install or test any eBPF code.
  • user: Software to tests the eBPF program

Necessary packages

To compile the shared libraries and the eBPF programs, it will be necessary to have the following packages:

  • Libelf headers
  • llvm/clang , because GCC cannot compile eBPF codes.
  • Kernel headers

The last group of files can be extracted direct from kernel source doing the following steps:

cd /usr/src/linux
make defconfig
make scripts
make prepare
make headers_install

Case you are using the kernel 5.4 or newer, it is necessary to comment the following line inside the file generated/autoconf.h:


Necessary changes

Before to compile this repository, it is necessary to change the Makefiles according your environment. The original files were adjusted to compile on Slackware Linux Current.


Inside this file probably it will be neecssary to change the following variable:

  • KERNELSOURCE: Where is your kernel-source? This variable was set initially to work on Slackware, Fedora and Ubuntu
  • KERNELBUILD: Directory where the headers are expected to be stored.
  • LINUXINCLUDE +=: Depending of the Linux distribution, it is necessary to add or remove directories from this variable.
  • LLVM_INCLUDES: Depending of the kernel version, it will be necessary to change this path

Building (with Docker)

There are two build environments that produce different builds different variants of libc and the Linux Kernel.

The build environments are:

  • musl => Dockerfile.musl (based on Alpine 3.11)
  • glibc => Dockerfile.glibc (based on Ubuntu 20.04)

Building for glibc

$ docker build -f Dodkcerfile.glibc -t kernel-collector:glibc ./
$ docker run --rm -v $PWD:/kernel-collector kernel-collector:glibc

Building for musl

$ docker build -f Dodkcerfile.musl -t kernel-collector:musl ./
$ docker run --rm -v $PWD:/kernel-collector kernel-collector:musl

Building for a Kernel

To build for a different Kernel version other than the default just pass the --build-arg KERNEL_VERSION=<kernel_version> argument to the docker build.

For example:

$ docker build -f Dodkcerfile.musl -t kernel-collector:musl_5_4 --build--arg KERNEL_VERSION=5.4.18 ./
$ docker run --rm -v $PWD:/kernel-collector kernel-collector:musl_5_4

Building with Debug Symbols

To build with debug symbols enabled, set the environment variable DEBUG to 1 when running the build image.

For example:

$ docker build -f Dodkcerfile.musl -t kernel-collector:musl ./
$ docker run --rm -e DEBUG=1 -v $PWD:/kernel-collector kernel-collector:musl

This sets EXTRA_CFLAGS=-g up before building.

Compilation (manually)

After to do the necessaries changes inside the file kernel/Makefille, to compile the libraries and the eBPF programs, you only need to do the following steps:

#  cd user
# make

When the compilation finishes, you will have inside artificats directory a file with the following content:


We can group these files as:

  • libbpf_kernel.so: This is the libbpf shared library that must be moved to a directory listed inside /etc/ld.so.conf, when you move it for one of the directory, it will be necessary to create a symbolic link, for example, let us assume that the distribution uses /usr/lib64/ to store shared libraries, the following commands are necessaries:
cp usr/lib64/libbpf_kernel.so /usr/lib64/
ln -s /usr/lib64/libbpf_kernel.so /usr/lib64/libbpf_kernel.so.0
  • Collector files: the collector works with all files created during the compilation, but the next 4 files need to be copied to /usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d for the collector to have condition to access them:
    • libnetdata_ebpf.so: Shared library used to load the eBPF programs.
    • dnetdata_ebpf_process.o: eBPF program used with developer mode.
    • pnetdata_ebpf_process.o: eBPF program used with entry mode, this is the default mode.
    • rnetdata_ebpf_process.o: eBPF program used with return mode.

After this you can start the new collector ebpf_program.plugin.


To release a new version and create a Github Release; create a Git tag like so:

$ TAG="v0.0.1"; git tag -a -s -m "Release ${TAG}" "${TAG}" && git push origin "${TAG}"

Replace v0.0.1 with the next desired tag. SemVer is not strictly being followed here at this time so the specific tagged versions is not so important.

This will kick off a Github Action Workflow that will Rebuild the NetData eBPF Kernel Collector for all Kernel and LIBC variants, create a Github Release and upload all assets to the release to be consumed by anyone or the NetData Installer.


Netdata is an open-software software and we are always open for contributions that you can give us.

Case you want do a contribution with an eBPF program, please, be sure that your program is according with the following patterns:

  • Your program must run on all kernels since at least kernel 4.11
  • Create an additional code that is responsible to measure the latency of your program.
  • We have the variable NETDATASEL, that selects where the functions will be attached. Be sure that inside your code 0 is associated kretprobe, 1 is associated with kretprobe and perf events and 2 is assoacited with kprobe.