
Experimental QGIS plugin to be able to see the request QGIS is firing to for example OGC services

Primary LanguagePython

Experimental QGIS plugin to be able to see the request QGIS is firing to for example OGC services

IMPORTANT NOTE: Nyall ported the plugin (and made it much better) to c++ into QGIS core in QGIS 3.14.

So: you will NOT need this plugin whey you are using QGIS >= 3.14

A BIG thanks goes to Nyall Dawson!! Current Treeview is his idea and work!

Features (see screenshot below):

  • Show all requests fired via QgsNetworkAccessManager in a TreeView
  • Filter requests
  • Show HTTP Operation, status, query, headers from Request and Reply and data/conent from Request
  • Copy the request as cURL, to be able to replay the request (with all headers, data etc etc) in terminal
  • Pause the logging/listening
  • See from which thread the request originated
  • See from which file and line in code the request originated

Current limitations:

  • a lot, please add feature requests as issue :-)

To use:

  • install plugin
  • open the Network Activity panel (F12)
  • open/edit some OGC OWS services

An Example:

Example Log

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