
This is a self-automated selenium web bot that parses through the followers and following of the particular insta id and then DM the list of people who they follow and are not followed back by them.

Primary LanguagePython


This is a self automated web bot that parses through the followers and following of the particular insta id(might be yours or the ones you follow) and then returns the list of people who they follow and are not followed back by them. The bot automatically messages the same to the corresponding insta id (insta allows to message yourself).


1.Clone the repo and unzip it
2.Open terminal on your pc
3.Change directory to Insta-bot
4.Run "python instaBot.py"
5.Enter asked credentials

P.S If it gives error set corresponding chrome driver in line 12 of instaBot.py that matches your chrome
P.S The code may be needed to update if updates are made at the website