
Select image files from folder and get your JSON ready. Create Now : http://pratikbutani.com/wastickerapp/

Primary LanguageHTML


We are creating many apps for WhatsApp Stickers after they have announced sticker features in Android and iOS App.

I have also created some apps for WhatsApp Stickers but got some difficulties to create JSON for content.json file. Every developer faced this problem, Believe Me.

For that I have created tool Convert Image names to JSON Array (WAStickerApp) which can help you to get JSON by giving details of Sticker Pack.

You can upload following details:

  • Folder Name (Identifier)
  • Sticker Pack Name
  • Publisher
  • Tray Image (with .png)
  • Publisher Email
  • Publisher Website
  • Privacy Policy URL
  • Licence Agreement Website
  • Images (Only .webp)

It will give full array in JSON as below:


    "android_play_store_link": "",
    "ios_app_store_link": "",
    "sticker_pack": [
            "identifier": "1",
            "name": "My Sticker Pack",
            "publisher": "Pratik Butani",
            "tray_image_file": "placeholder.png",
            "publisher_email": "pratik13butani@gmail.com",
            "publisher_website": "pratikbutani.com",
            "privacy_policy_website": "your-url.com/privacy_policy.php",
            "license_agreement_website": "your-url.com/license.php",
            "stickers": [
                    "image_file": "banner.webp",
                    "emoji": [
                    "image_file": "bg_img.webp",
                    "emoji": [
                    "image_file": "ic_chef.webp",
                    "emoji": [

Read Full Article : JSON Creator for WhatsApp Sticker Pack

I hope you will love it.

No one has ever become poor by giving. <3 <3


Thank you.