
Nachos UI is a React Native component library.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Nachos UI

Build Status


Nachos UI is a React Native component library. Read more about how we built it on Medium.


Getting started

Requires React Native 0.40 and higher.

$ npm install --save nachos-ui  


$ yarn add nachos-ui

The ThemeProvider component should be set at the highest level of your app. If it is not, Nachos UI components will NOT render.

import { ThemeProvider } from "nachos-ui";

export default (App = () => (
    <RestOfYourApp />
import React from 'react'
import { View } from 'react-native'
import { Button } from 'nachos-ui'

const App = () => {
  return (


Visit the documentation at https://avocode.com/nachos-ui/docs/ with technical information about each component.


Contributions are always welcome! Before contributing, please read our Code Of Conduct.

Read Contributing.


To play with Nachos UI locally first clone the repository:

$ git clone git@github.com:avocode/nachos-ui.git

Ideally use Yarn to install your dependencies. It's fast and consistent:

$ yarn install

To run the iOS simulator run:

$ yarn run start

To run the Web version:

$ yarn run start:web


Nachos UI is open source and released under the MIT License.
