
Create deployments on Github with actions

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Create Github deployments in you actions

If you have any questions please ping me. This action basically works but has not all features I want it to.

This actions allows you to create a deployment and set a deployment status.

For options please see deployment.js and the [Github documentation].(https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/deployments/)

First create a deployment and with flag -f create the success status:

action "create deployment" {
  uses = "niklasmerz/github-deployment-action@master"
  secrets = ["GITHUB_TOKEN"]
  args = "-o niklasmerz -r myrepo -c master"

action "set deployment status" {
  uses = "niklasmerz/github-deployment-action@master"
  needs = ["create deployment"]
  args = "-o niklasmerz -r myrepo -s success -u https://url.com -f"
  secrets = ["GITHUB_TOKEN"]