We are a team of international product developers. We want to help and are doing what we can.
Currently looking for teams and executives to partner with to build and deploy this solution: We are actively working to create partnerships with people at MIT, UCSF, State of California, and inviting executives from UCSF, Blue Shield California, FedEx, Amazon, Kroger, Aldi, Target, Walmart and others to create partnerships to help build a public use version for governments and healthcare institutes as well as versions for Companies who employ essential and other types of workers. We all need to get back to work. This could help people do it more safely.
People need to get back to work eventually. Many essential workers continue to work through this COVID-19 global pandemic that we now find ourselves in. We need them not to get sick so our supply chain stays running and peoples' risk is minimized, and we can flatten the curve. We started building a contact tracing app for the Workforce Protection, and pivoted recently to building Social Distancing Alarm App to help protect people and workforces. Contact tracing could easily be added on top of the social distancing features. See Roadmap below.
Individuals can use 1Point5 for free in groups to help them maintain social distance. Companies or families can deploy 1Point5 app along with other measures and help protect their employees during Covid-19 and beyond. Using BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy), the app coupled with virus testing, Contact Tracing, temperature checks, symptom tracking, sick-leave pay, and other workforce protection measures(which companies are starting to implement), will all help prevent the spread of the coronavirus, help flatten the curve, and protect people and workers.
We think there is a use case for employers, individuals, public health organizations, and governments to use the app coupled with Contact Tracing efforts put out by offical health orgs that may be delivered through App Stores on the Google/Apple API.
Contact tracing works to mitigate unknown transmisison after people are infected it is reactive. It is effective. Social distancing is proactive, and may help with prevention.
Companies can then work to protect thier teams while not saccrificing private personal data by deploying a custom version of the app with the Teams feature. Our app is made with privacy first in mind.
We have worked improveme BLE performance in our implementation, to lengthen battery life and optimize performance. Contact tracing can easily be built by us or other teams on top of this code. The public version does not store any data centrally and keeps all data locally on the users handset.
Apple and Google are delivering interoperable API's that should well protect the privacy and mitigate concerns for contact tracing apps, creating a standard and a path for official organizations to create and publish apps through Apple and Google Play stores. Data Rights best practices have emerged for contact tracing that developers can comport to by the TCN Coalition. Our app keeps both of these strategiues and best practices in mind.
Grocery Stockers checkers and workers
Caltrans road and municipal workers
Construction teams and workers
Amazon and other warehouse workers
Security Guards
Hospital Staff
Healthcare workers, dentists, Physical therapists.
Amazon, Walmart, Kaiser, Kroger, Aldi, Safeway, One Medical, Restaurants Chains, Blue Shield Stanford Medical Center, Salesforce(s customers), etc.. Hospitals, Counties, States, Countries.
The app uses BLE to tell you when other app users are too close to help you maintain social distance. The app can be deployed by an organization made available to be downloaded by individual workers. Individuals may opt in to application use and have granular and transparent data and privacy control’s.
- Active User Detection - App notifies users when another app user is close. 4 levels of granularity. "Good Distance"= green, "Warning"= yellow, "Danger" = Orange, "Too Close"= Red
- Alerts - user and shows signal strength when other app user devices are detected.
- History - App stores a local history of the alerts from coming close to other app user devices. Displays Date and Time.
- Pause Detection - user can turn off detection in app when not in use.
- Safe Teams - Add users to your 'Safe Team' using secure QR codes for each handset. This allows families who are safely socially distancing together to not recieve notifications of eachothers hansets when they are together, but out in public. E.G. A Couple shopping together in a store where all shoppers have the app downloaded and turned on.
- Set Your Social Distance - High risk users can set thier social distance 'radious' to be more sensitive that the CDC recommended 6 feet, so that they are notified for 'Too Close' app users sooner.
- Data Storeage for Employers - Could have option for users to opt in to sending location data for sessions that occured at the workplace if users wanted to contribute to mapping areas in the workplace where social distancing is not possible, per session.
- IOS Version - IOS version is built, and we are working to get this through the Apple Play store now. Contact us if you would like a download to test.
App could use contact tracing to notify users when they have had contact with someone who has been tested and who's status is verified as positive for Covid-19. User can then get tested.
This app can be deployed by an organization made available to be downloaded by individual workers. Individuals may opt in to application use and have granular and transparent data and privacy control’s.
Could incorporate testing status for yourself and last date of testing. This can be compared to a history of contacts that were not social distanced for users to gain visibility into thier personal risk.
Start day, Current day End day Restart clock if newly exposure.
We built this, but took it out when we pivoted away from Contact tracing to a Social Distance app. Users go through and answer the symptom checker every time they open the app. App recommends user self distance/isolate or quarantine if they have any symptoms or issues.
Do you experience symptoms now? Did you start to have symptoms, or did you feel sick before today? (if so when )
- A runny nose
- A Fever
- A Dry Cough
- Fatigue
- Runny nose
- Nasal Congestion
- Diarrhea
- Body Aches
- Sore Throat
- Headache
- Loss of Appetite
- Shortness of breath
- Respiratory issues
Results: Based on this chart: CDC: recommends if you have these symptoms you get tested for covid-19. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/symptoms-testing/symptoms.html
Resources section:
Latest updates from your state on self isolation mandates (possibly)
Links to resources made available by employer or org’s specific healthcare program or other employer specifics programs.
Telehealth resources?
Ways to volunteer or help
With encryption - so nobody knows who anyone else is.
Symptom list graphic
Link to CDC: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html
Link to WHO: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019
W.H.O. situation dashboard Graphic: https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/685d0ace521648f8a5beeeee1b9125cd
App Website: https://onepointfive.app/