
Crawling and upload videos and photos from the Twitter timeline to Google Photos

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



  • Docker version 18.06.0+
  • docker-compose version 1.22.0+
  • Twitter APIs
  • Google APIs


git clone https://github.com/re3turn/twicrawler.git
cd twicrawler


Setting environment variable in the .env file.

If you need examples, check the sample .env.sample in this repository.

Get Google refresh token

Setting environment variable GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID and GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET to .env file.

docker-compose build app
docker run -i --env-file=.env twicrawler python get_refresh_token.py

Execution example

$ docker run -i --env-file=.env twicrawler python get_refresh_token.py
Please visit this URL to authorize this application: https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?response_type=code&.....
Enter the authorization code: {AUTHORIZATION CODE}
refresh_token: {REFRESH TOKEN}


docker-compose up -d

Environment variable


Environment variable Description Require
TWITTER_USER_IDS Twitter user ID to crawling.If multiple users are specified, separate them with ,
INTERVAL Crawler interval(minutes). default=5 minutes
MODE_SPECIFIED Specifies Crawler mode. rt, fav, mixed. default=rt
TWEET_COUNT Specifies the number of tweet statuses to retrieve. default=200
TWEET_PAGES Specifies the page of results to retrieve. default=25
SAVE_MODE Specifies save media mode. local or google. default=local
LOGGING_LEVEL Logging level. default=INFO
OUTPUT_LOG_FILE_ENABLED Enable the output to the log file. default="true"
DATABASE_URL Database url. format postgres://<username>:<password>@<hostname>:<port>/<database>
DATABASE_SSLMODE Database sslmode. default=require
TZ Time zone
TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY Twitter consumer API keys
TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET Twitter consumer API secret key
TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN Twitter Access token
TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET Twitter Access token secret

SAVE_MODE = google

Environment variable Description Require
GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID Google API client id
GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET Google API client secret
GOOGLE_REFRESH_TOKEN Google API refresh token
GOOGLE_ALBUM_TITLE Specifies the album title to add media. default=''