
upside down version of UI

bmuyl opened this issue · 5 comments

bmuyl commented

Would any one be able to produce an upside down version of the UI ?
so we can work / draw / write with the buttons above the screen rather than under the screen right below the hand, where you don't want them ?

bmuyl commented

would also make it easier to work with the device pluged

Flipping the user interface is easy, but translating the mouse events is something I didn't manage to do.

bmuyl commented

could remarkable team be helpfull on such a matter ?
I mean some of their code is open source

The only way to do it (without binary patching the application) that I can think of is to patch the drivers (mxc_epdc, cyttsp and wacom_i2c), and deploy a custom kernel flipping all coordinates. So not very straightforward unfortunately.

CTXz commented

I'm afraid this issue isn't directly related to the awesome list. I highly recommend using other places to discuss the implementation of new features, such as the reMarkable community subreddit or the reMarkable community discord .