- 1
Remarkable 2 customization
#209 opened by bbd52 - 7
[REQUEST] Repository traffic info
#207 opened by IRKnyazev - 0
Validate that links are still valid
#190 opened by Eeems - 2
- 1
It'd help if the list indicated which levels of reMarkable could support which packages
#198 opened by jkesselm - 9
Categories are confusing
#24 opened by Ameb - 8
- 3
- 4
[Suggestion] Mention if repo is deprecated
#93 opened by hmenzagh - 1
Any way to adjust pressure sensitivity?
#176 opened by rgaufman - 1
Add giovi321/ReMarkable-scripts to list
#174 opened by giovi321 - 1
Add re-Planner to list
#175 opened by PepikVaio - 2
Add rm2-screen to list
#153 opened by m6c7l - 3
One link
#128 opened by TechnologyClassroom - 2
- 4
- 2
Three links
#62 opened by TechnologyClassroom - 4
establish a common tag/topic?
#1 opened by splitbrain - 2
Dark mode for reading and writing
#125 opened by Emnlv - 2
- 1
reCatchable: Turn a website into a book
#108 opened by lapwat - 1
Add 'remouseable' to [Other]
#89 opened by jebediah2 - 3
- 2
[Cloud Tools]
#87 opened by MikaGr - 4
Add or replace existing plato entry?
#70 opened by LinusCDE - 5
- 2
- 2
- 5
upside down version of UI
#40 opened by bmuyl - 1
- 1
- 6
Keyboard support?
#10 opened by werdnus - 3
reMarkable Web App is no longer working
#28 opened by michaelmior - 3
Link to IRC/Matrix room
#19 opened by Evidlo - 4
Entware package manager
#20 opened by Evidlo - 4
- 1
simple tools application
#11 opened by moovida - 3
I would love to be a contributor for this project. I am the owner of
#9 opened by ceigon01 - 3
Rename to something with awesome list
#4 opened by danr