
Hosts the source code and documentation for protostubs including IdP Proxies and hyperties

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Hosts the source code and documentation to all protostubs, idp-proxies and hyperties.

For more information pls read this.

The Repository structure

SRC folder

Hold all source code, like hyperty classes and JSON-Schemas. The hyperty class must have the suffix ".hy.js", on the file.

Each hyperty folder could have it's own package.json

# To create the pacakge.json
npm init

To use the all modules from Service Framework, like, Syncher or Discovery do:

# install dependencies
npm install rethink-project/dev-service-framework#develop --save

Example: Hello.hy.js

Why? Because all the files in folder, could be a possible hyperty, with this suffix, we can distinguish the main hyperty from others files that complement it;

Hyperty Source Code

// Service Framework
import IdentityManager from 'service-framework/dist/IdentityManager';
import {Discovery} from 'service-framework/dist/Discovery';
import { Syncher } from 'service-framework/dist/Syncher';

class MyHyperty {

  constructor(hypertyURL, bus, configuration) {

    if (!hypertyURL) throw new Error('The hypertyURL is a needed parameter');
    if (!bus) throw new Error('The MiniBus is a needed parameter');
    if (!configuration) throw new Error('The configuration is a needed parameter');

    let syncher = new Syncher(hypertyURL, bus, configuration);


  myMethod() {


 * Function will activate the hyperty on the runtime
 * @param  {URL.URL} hypertyURL   url which identifies the hyperty
 * @param  {MiniBus} bus          Minibus used to make the communication between hyperty and runtime;
 * @param  {object} configuration configuration
export default function activate(hypertyURL, bus, configuration) {

  return {
    name: 'MyHyperty',
    instance: new MyHyperty(hypertyURL, bus, configuration)


Hyperty Descriptor

  "language": "javascript",
  "signature": "",
  "configuration": {},
  "hypertyType": [
  "constraints": {
    "browser": true
  "dataObjects": [
  "objectName": "HypertyName"


In this folder you have, for each hyperty you develop, the Web side testing. This is customized with HTML using Handlebars and ES5 javascript;

With this template system you can:

  • avoid the initial html setup, like <html>, <head>, <body>, and add only the html tags you need, like <div>, <p>, <b> and others.
  • use some extra features like, variables, {{each}}, {{if}}, look at documentation


  • hello-world > helloWorld.hbs
  • hyperty-chat > HypertyChat.hbs
  • hyperty-connector > HypertyConnector.hbs

Test folder

You can make your own tests to an hyperty, only need create an file with your hyperty name, and suffix the ".spec.js"

Example: Hello.spec.js

How to install all modules inside each protostub source code

If your protostub or idp-proxy which need to have a third party module dependency you will need to have a package.json inside it;

# This will execute npm install for each package.json inside each protostub source code;
npm run install:all

How to develop an Protostub

To develop a protostub you will need have the suffix <name>.ps.js in your main file;

example: MyProtoStub.ps.js

Protostub source code

class MyProtoStub {

  constructor(runtimeProtoStubURL, bus, config) {

    // You will receive all messages send to the protostub;
    bus.addListener('*', (msg) => {
      console.log('[MyProtoStub] outgoing message: ', msg);



export default function activate(url, bus, config) {
  return {
    name: 'MyProtoStub',
    instance: new MyProtoStub(url, bus, config)

To ensure the toolkit will generate the descriptor with correct information you should have <name>.ps.json file;

example: MyProtoStub.ps.json

Protostub descriptor

  "language": "javascript",
  "description": "Protostub to exchange messages with vertx",
  "signature": "",
  "configuration": {
    "url": "wss://msg-node.hysmart.rethink.ptinovacao.pt/localhost/ws"
  "constraints": {
    "node": true
  "interworking": true,
  "objectName": "default"

How to develop an IDPProxy

To develop a protostub you will need have the suffix <name>.idp.js in your main file;

example: IdpProxyStub.idp.js

see: Protostubs

To ensure the toolkit will generate the descriptor with correct information you should have <name>.idp.json file;

example: IdpProxyStub.idp.json

  "language": "javascript",
  "description": "IDPProxy description",
  "signature": "",
  "configuration": {},
  "constraints": {
    "browser": true
  "interworking": true,
  "objectName": "idp.proxy.com"