
a simple valid lib for Openresty


  • valid string length
  • valid number range
  • valid ipv4 format (with pure lua's Patterns or openresty's PCRE)
  • valid element in the given list


local va = require("resty.valid")

-- string
va.string("a") -- return true
va.string("a",{len=4}) -- return nil
va.string("a",{min=1,max=4}) -- return true

-- number
va.number(1) --return true
va.number(1,{min=1,max=5}) -- return true
va.number(1,{min=2,max=5}) -- return nil

-- ipv4
-- use PCRE(default)
va.ipv4("")  --return true
va.ipv4("a.b.c.d")  --return nil
va.ipv4("",{regex = "pcre",priv = true,}) -- return nil
va.ipv4("",{regex = "pcre"}) -- return true
-- use orig
va.ipv4("",{regex = "orig"}) --return true
va.ipv4("a.b.c.d",{regex = "orig"}) -- return nil

-- choice
va.choice("apple",{"banana","perl","apple"}) --return true
va.choice("apple",{"banana","perl","apple1"}) --return nil


With LuaRocks:

luarocks install --server= lua-resty-valid



syntax: result, err = va.string(arg, opts?)

Valid the string.If failed return nil and a string describing the error.

The first argument arg is the target you want to valid.

The second argument opts is optional.If provided, it must be a table holding the desired options for this instance. The possible options are:

  • len:a number defined the string length of the given arg

  • min and max:a range defined the string length range between the min and max.


syntax: result, err = va.number(arg, opts?)

Valid the number.If failed return nil and a string describing the error.

The first argument arg is the target you want to valid.

The second argument opts is optional.If provided, it must be a table holding the desired options for this instance. The possible options are:

  • min and max:a range defined the number should in


syntax: result, err = va.ipv4(arg, opts?)

Valid the ipv4 format.If failed return nil and a string describing the error.

The first argument arg is the target you want to valid.

The second argument opts is optional.If provided, it must be a table holding the desired options for this instance. The possible options are:

  • regex:what the regex system to use.

    regex system can use both pcre (only in openresty env)and orig (as pure lua).

    the pcre will use jooptions,as the's options.

    the orig due to the lua's Patterns, have some reliability problems.for most of the time,should use pcre first


  • priv: check if the given ip in the private IP range.Only work with the perc regex system.When specified,the regex must specified together.


syntax: result, err = va.choice(arg, choices)

Valid the if arg in the choices table If failed return nil and a string describing the error.

The first argument arg is the target you want to valid.

The second argument choices is a array table,that contain all the choices.


Work licensed under the MIT License.