
A brand new database synchronization, multi platform, multi databases, developed on top of .Net Standard 2.0. https://mimetis.github.io/Dotmim.Sync/

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Build Status

See the Azure Devops CI : https://dev.azure.com/dotmim/Dotmim.Sync


Release version 0.2.1 and pre-release 0.3.0 are hosted on nuget.org : https://www.nuget.org/packages?q=dotmim.sync


DotMim.Sync is a straightforward SDK for syncing relational databases, developed on top of .Net Standard 2.0, available and ready to use within IOT, Xamarin, .NET, UWP and so on :)

The full documentation is available here : https://mimetis.github.io/Dotmim.Sync/

Multi Databases Cross Plaform .Net Standard 2.0

How it works

Here are the easiest way to be able to make a simple sync :

// Sql Server provider, the master.
SqlSyncProvider serverProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(
    @"Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=AdventureWorks;Integrated Security=true;");

// Sqlite Client provider for a Sql Server <=> Sqlite sync
SQLiteSyncProvider clientProvider = new SQLiteSyncProvider("advworks.db");

// Tables involved in the sync process:
var tables = new string[] {"ProductCategory",
    "ProductDescription", "ProductModel",
    "Product", "ProductModelProductDescription",
    "Address", "Customer", "CustomerAddress",
    "SalesOrderHeader", "SalesOrderDetail" };

// Sync orchestrator
SyncAgent agent = new SyncAgent(clientProvider, serverProvider, tables);

    var s = await agent.SynchronizeAsync();
    Console.WriteLine($"Total Changes downloaded : {s.TotalChangesDownloaded}");

} while (Console.ReadKey().Key != ConsoleKey.Escape);

If you don't have any databases ready for testing, use this one : AdventureWorks lightweight script for SQL Server

The script is ready to execute in SQL Server. It contains :

  • A lightweight AdvenureWorks database, acting as the Server database (called AdventureWorks)
  • An empty database, acting as the Client database (called Client)

Building from source

  1. install VS 2017
  2. install Microsoft SQL Server (localdb is sufficient)
  3. install MySQL (run installMySql.ps1 which automates this using chocolatey)
  4. open "SQLUtils.HelperDB" and modify the connection strings to suit your configuration

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